10 Foolproof Tips to remember to keep the Harmony while your House Hunting
Lets be honest. In this day and age, it it's more of a rarity for couples NOT to move in together before swapping vows..
So if your buying a home with your honey, not your hubby - here's a few tips to get you started.
1.If you're getting a new place together, make sure it's big enough to hold both of your things. You don't want to suddenly discover you can't fit his large bed and your favorite dresser with prized shoe collection in one place.

4.Talk about pets. If you or he has animals, you'll want to discuss what you're going to do with them, especially if pets are not allowed in your new place. That cute furry friend is not something you want to end up fighting about!
5.Sit down to run the numbers together & discuss finances! Who will pay what, and how much can you afford etc. How much do you want to spend on furnishing & entertainment? Figuring all of this out before moving in together will make your moving in much smoother and your wallet feeling fuller.
6.Talk about decorating. You'll want to add your touch to his place, or add his touch to your place, but you don't want to step on each others toes or create a home that isn't visually appealing.
7.Work out a routine. Talk about chores, cleaning, friends dropping in your house or apartment, family coming to visit etc.
8.Get pre-approved, both of you! If getting pre-approved is important for a solo homebuyer, it’s doubly critical for a couple buying together! Work out any mortgage gliches before looking at homes and be honest if your credit historys, let-s say- a bit spotty.
What happens if you move in together and one person is supporting the other, be it grad school, a lull in the career, etc ? Usually its safe to say, if you don't feel completely comfortable supporting your loved one, then you probably shouldn’t start.

Lastly, always, always, always…
10.Make sure you're both on the same page before you move in together. If one party believes that it's "taking the relationship to the next level" and the other party thinks it's a great way to save money, try to remember a down payment isn’t always the preceding step to that Tiffany ring, but if you are both on the same page then shacking up should be a sinch.